Messy Thriving
Gallup Clifton Strengths -Messy Thriving
The themes are reasonably generic. Now it’s time to make this theme personal to really claim it and become aware how this theme shows up in your life. Empowering you to maximize the potential you get out...
Gallup Clifton Strengths -Discovery
This episode is all about discovering where and how to do the Clifton Strengths assessment. Alternatively, how you can do a less accurate free strengths discovery exercise. As well as looking at the...
Exploring Gallup Clifton Strengths 2
There are three main components of Strengths Training. These are Name It, Claim It and Aim It and are all about development. Name It is all about talent discovery. When you complete the Strength...
Exploring Gallup Clifton Strengths
Today I want to share with you around Strength Finders. How I use it personally, within the business and how you can use it in your own life. About three years ago I became a Strengths Finders certified...
Thriving as Introverts and Extroverts in Isolation
There is a group in our society and you may even be a part of it, that in some ways are living their best life right now. I am talking about those who are highly introverted. If you’re an extrovert...
Terrible First Times
It’s the start of April 2020 and the Corona Virus has created pressure all around us. Pressure produces Stress! Sometimes we process stress ok, other times we can actually thrive in the midst of stress...