After last weeks article about ‘Speaking Life’ into your children I found myself thinking about how one goes about doing this. I know for some, it comes naturally, but for others the thought of speaking healthy words over another person is ever so foreign.
For those who this comes naturally to, perhaps you’ve heard it throughout your own life. It could be that your parents spoke to you in such a way and you have adopted their healthy words of life; that they spoke over you. Or, perhaps you had a great teacher (at school) who spoke ever so beautifully to you, his or her words making you believe you could do anything. Then again, it could have been a soft spoken, kind grandparent who whispered courage into your ear over warm biscuits and milo. Whatever the case maybe, some just ‘get’ what it means to use words that bring life, create dreams and help imaginations soar. This ‘getting’ and understanding simply comes from hearing these words for years over yourself and before you know it, you are speaking them too.
On the other hand I was quick to realise that some have never heard words that breathe life. Perhaps you relate better to grumbles, complaining or the contstant reminder of the negative in your world. This too can easily translate into our own parenting experience. If, growing up, all we heard was the negative, the awful and the pain of life and others around us, chances are we will do the exact same. We, not by our own doing, but because (again) what we have heard and been subject to, we will follow in the slip stream.
Have you ever found yourself thinking, “Oh my gosh, I sound exactly like my mother/father.” For some, that’s an okay realisation. For others, it’s shock horror as they realise they have become what they least desired. This points back to the article I wrote recently about ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’ (feel free to jump back and have a read when you have time).
So, where ever you find yourself, whether you are the one that healthy words come naturally. Or, you are the one that can only find solice in pointing out the negative I have an idea that will help you as you journey through this maze of the parenting years.
The most helpful solution I found throughout the years….. Find some great teaching that will inspire you, motivate you and help you. Especially when the days are long, the nappy bin is full, hungry tummy’s are calling out and hours of sleep are few and far between.
For myself, I found great wisdom and comfort through the bible and listening to women unpack scriptures that helped me see beyond my everyday, providing me a glimpse beyond. I gobbled all the teaching up I could find. I listened to tapes (in those days) and I read. I knew I had found my source that would help me be the parent I needed and wanted to be. In and through all of this learning I also found myself on my knees alot. No, I wasn’t washing floors or scraping off dried weetbix. Although both of these jobs necessary and unavoidable. I was on my knees praying. I took what I had learned and meditated on it and let the words invade my space so I could invade my children with healthy, life-giving, words that would build them from the inside out.
So lovely parents I encourage you to dig deep, to find that place of teaching and learning. Begin to burn the midnight oil with knowledge that will release you to be the best version of yourself you can be. The best gift you can give your children is you, whole, healthy and loving them. Gravitate to what will fuel you and what will help you on this journey.
Perhaps, like me, it is scripture. Or, for you something else. Find it, live it and share it. I’m more than happy to help and share some of the verses that have helped me throughout the years. Or, if you need something more, please speak up…. your Little Miracles family is here, holistically.
Much love,