The themes are reasonably generic. Now it’s time to make this theme personal to really claim it and become aware how this theme shows up in your life. Empowering you to maximize the potential you get out of that talent

Now that you know that you have certain talents we really want to become aware of just how you personally use that talent.

Choose one talent and Write down how you see that Talent being Constructive and Destructive in your life. An easy way to do that is to think about what you Love about that talent or its impact on your life. Also think about how that talent has either driven you or someone else Crazy.

I.E with my IDEATION Talent

I love the Energy and Joy that I get thinking up new ideas myself.

I also love reading and watching biographies about innovators, entrepreneurs and creators bringing new ideas to life.

Generating new ideas especially around developing people is like electricity that lights me up, I Love it


I can drive my wife crazy when I get so excited thinking about ideas that I forget to do the practical things to partner with my family. Things I have agreed to like putting the kids to bed or the garbage out. Just generally being oblivious to the world outside the ideas running through my head and researching more about them.

I also send those I partner with at work a little crazy as new ideas can easily become my focus rather than completing the ideas that I have already started on with them.

Ask others you trust for feedback about your talent. They are going to see and experience your talent in different ways to you. Are there parts they Love or drive them crazy about your talent.

Take 5 min every week for one month. Gather, reflect and write down information about how you personally are using this Talent.

Once you have more information about your talent. The Next step is to Rename your Talent.

Collaborative Innovator Is what my IDEATION becomes when I rename it. When by using this exercise to rename my Talent I get a much better understanding of how I am currently using it. This also creates much better clarity as to how I can develop my IDEATION even further.

To do this exercise we are going to use a a Strength finder coaching tool Theme Dynamics Cards. If you send me an Email to with your top 5 strengths I will send you the Theme dynamics information in roughly two business days.

From the Theme Dynamic Cards. First choose a word from the WHAT WORDS BEST DESCRIBE ME? Side of the card. Choose the word that best describes you when using your Talent. For my Ideation I chose Collaborative. I am very aware I am at my most productive when I collaborate with others around my ideas.

Next flip the card over to WHO AM I? Choose from the words the one that you most resonate with. For Ideation I chose Innovator. I take great joy from combining lots of other people’s original ideas together to create something new. I innovate other peoples ideas.

When I put the two together I become a Collaborative Innovator. Using this new description of my Ideation Talent, describes how I use Ideation in so much more detail and depth. Which will be super helpful in understanding myself.

The awareness of myself as Collaborative Innovator will be invaluable when I go to the next step of maximizing my Ideation talent and being very specific in how I develop it.

So join us next week as we go further and learn how to become an even more powerful and productive version of ourselves in the next video.