Loving Language

Loving Literacy at Little Miracles 

At Little Miracles, we are very proud of our Loving Literacy Approach. This holistic way of engaging children with early literacy experiences has been developed over many years of experience and draws from evidence based research. Little Miracles is passionate about inspiring a love for communication in all its forms – in our Educators, Families and Children.

Our view of literacy is that it is emergent in children, which means it begins at birth. We believe that children’s knowledge about literacy is built through experiences with speaking and listening, songs, drama, early writing experiences and carefully designed games and activities that support the development of phonemic awareness. We believe that children learn best through a play based approach and that children all develop at their own pace, which is why we strive to provide a learning environment with rich experiences and interactions everyday.


Loving Literacy Map

At Little Miracles we provide

  • A literacy enhanced environment that children can explore through their play – at all ages
  • Support for literacy in all its modes e.g. talking, listening, viewing, dance and drama, technological and critical thinking skills
  • Confident delivery of a phonics program (TYTTR) that is adjusted to the age range and abilities of children through play based activities and supported by resources
  • Embedded language and communication experiences delivered throughout the daily curriculum in spontaneous and structured ways
  • Acknowledgment of the experiences that children bring with them from home and in their community, explored through news, projects and community links.

Free Gift Book Program

One of our visionaries Rob Bateman, worked as an accountant for Scholastic publishers. As a father of four children who struggled with reading, he became a passionate advocate for helping children to have the best foundation possible to become literate. When it was time for Rob to move to a new chapter, he and Susanna wanted to find something that would place value on people- and this led them to purchase their first pre-school. Together they hold a vision to create a loving and literacy enriched environment for ‘little miracles’ – our children, so that they can reach their full potential.

Anything that Rob and Susanna can do to support and enrich children’s experiences as they become literate is very important to them. That is why Rob has built from his previous life expertise to be able to source books -so that now all families across the Little Miracles family of centres can enjoy them.

Little Miracles is passionate about supporting children’s early language and literacy development, which is why gifting a free book to each child every month is such an important part of Loving Literacy.

Quick, Active, Fun

Toddlers are full of energy and always on the go, so getting them to sit and read with you can be a challenge. Our reading program focuses on Quick, Active, Fun learning games that each develop a specific reading skill. It is very easy to use at home where you can play a quick game whenever your child wants to learn.

The Kit contains a CD, a magnetic board with 26 magnets and a step-by-step manual for parents. The songs on the CD assist children in learning the correct sounds for each letter of the alphabet. The catchy tune and animal actions keep children dancing and learning for hours.  Watch children gain confidence as they read their song book proudly to others. The magnetic board and 26 individual magnets are used in fun games, where your child is  learning vital reading skills without even realising! To further enhance this program, each family receives a kit upon enrollment to use at home.

Author  –

Sally Battersby (B.Ed. Grad. Dip. Spec. Ed)

As a teacher for 10 years and a mother of two children, I understand we all lead busy lives. Just 10 minutes a few times a week is all you will need to find. It’s that easy and it’s fun!

Reading is a lifelong skill that needs to be fostered from birth. This program allows parents to spend quality time with their child, while at the same time, knowing they are giving their child one of the greatest gifts in life – READING!

To read some of our testimonials please click here.