Susanna’s Blog

Thank you Little Miracles from BaliLife Foundation

Another huge thank you to our families who came along to our Family Fun Day back in May. As you may recall we donated all the proceeds to Bali Life Foundation and also a local charity called We Care Connect. Please see the beautiful thank you we have received from Bali Life Foundation for the donation.

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Let’s Get Moving! 5 Outdoor Gross Motor Activities

Let’s Get Moving! 5 Outdoor Gross Motor Activities

Let's Get Moving! 5 Outdoor Gross Motor Activities Gross motor skills are crucial to your child’s development. They enable them to move around, interact with their surroundings, and engage in many different types of play.  They also support a range of important...

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7 Engaging Educational Apps for Preschoolers

7 Engaging Educational Apps for Preschoolers

7 Engaging Educational Apps for Preschoolers In an era marked by increasing technological innovation, the landscape of education is undergoing a fast and profound transformation. The good news is that embracing this change opens up a world of possibilities for our...

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5 Best Montessori Activities for Preschoolers

5 Best Montessori Activities for Preschoolers

5 Best Montessori Activities for Preschoolers Rooted in the philosophy of Italian Educator Maria Montessori, Montessori activities seamlessly blend education with play. Often revolving around everyday routines and practices, these activities are designed to foster...

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November Magazine

November Magazine

Welcome to the November Magazine BaliLife Foundation Rob and Susanna Bateman, founders of Little Miracles, have been supporting BaliLife Foundation for many years now. And as their legacy continues with their children, the Bateman family and even educators from Little...

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7 Healthy Snacks For Happy Preschool Tummies

7 Healthy Snacks For Happy Preschool Tummies

7 Healthy Snacks For Happy Preschool Tummies Parents naturally strive to provide the best for their children, and one of the best things you can do for their future is to establish healthy eating habits from an early age. Introducing your preschooler to nutritious...

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5 Emotional Regulation Games for Nurturing Young Hearts

5 Emotional Regulation Games for Nurturing Young Hearts

5 Emotional Regulation Games for Nurturing Young Hearts Emotions are an integral part of human life, and learning how to regulate them is a crucial skill for preschoolers. The early years of a child’s life are the perfect time to begin nurturing emotional intelligence...

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September Magazine

September Magazine

Welcome to the September Magazine Summer routine starts in October - reminders about spare clothes for water play, hats, sunscreen and water bottles        September Book of the Month "A week in someone else’s hooves" read by educator Anna.The latest BaliLife Update...

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