I hope you are all well and staying warm. Winter is definitely upon us and I’m finding the mornings particularly chilly… Night time, is another story. I love getting the house warmed up whether it be through attempting to cook something yummy or the fire or perhaps just the heaters plugged in, whatever the case may be, I am enjoying the chill in the air in the evenings.

As I think about this season and how different the seasons are when it comes to family life I find myself (once again) traveling down memory lane. I’m recalling winter nights when our kids were young and how we needed to keep the fun happening. With active boys in the house and my beautiful little girl I can assure you, we had a busy home whatever the season. Winter bringing the earlier sunsets and the prohibitive cold meant many nights tucked up inside building forts out of blankets and pillows, hot chocolates and warm bubble baths.

In addition to all of these fun things, we also played games and this is something I want to write about today. Games nights are some of my favourite memories and I hope you will adopt and build this into your life as well. This season offers the perfect opportunity to pull out games like: Candyland, Monopoly, Articulate Junior, or even bonefire Charades. Whatever your childrens age, there are great games that can be played and not endured by parents but truly enjoyed. I know one of my younger girlfriends who longs for this time of year simply because she loves cooking winter food for her family which she lovingly calls ‘soul food’. Plus, they have games night throughout the week and extended games on the weekend. She truly believes that this is something that is pulling her family together and I would have to agree.

So, can I encourage you to do some or any part of the following:

Get your kids wrapped up in their favourite winter jammies, pop some popcorn, make some hot chocolate or even cook some damper on an outdoor firepit and enjoy a night together playing games. I promise you, you WILL enjoy and your kids will be crying for more.

There is something unique that happens when parents engage with their children (whatever their age) through games. Children are able to see their parents having fun, perhaps even being a little silly at times. Games bring out the child and the competitive person in all of us. So, whether it be a board game or even a WII game, through this playtime, we are allowing our children an opportunity to see us (their parents) relax and have fun. A different kind of fun that perhaps they haven’t seen before.

Now, the great thing about a night like this…. You don’t break the bank and you don’t have to go overboard. As I said above, keep it simple, you can even consider inviting another family into the mix. Sometimes the simplest of things is what brings our families together.

Here is a small list of some great games we and friends have enjoyed (note: always read age appropriate labeling):
Snakes and Ladders
Playing Cards (Cheat, Spoons, etc)
Articulate Jr or Regular



Have fun and enjoy one another… Be blessed this week and make sure you let those around you know they are loved, as are you.

Susanna xx