Screen Shot 2015-03-05 at 1.03.00 pmThis Sunday is International Women’s Day and I believe this is a very significant day on the calendar. As women, we need to know our worth and value, we are very significant in the make up of society both for right now and for the future.
I have been very blessed to have, my mother, who was a very strong, confident woman as a huge example to me. She taught and showed me about how to live confidently and boldly, yet maintaining my femininity. I am forever grateful for my mother and the multitude of lessons I learned from her. I miss her dearly but always feel she is near because so much of her rubbed off on me.
As we press into International Women’s Day I must admit that I am very excited about the fact that women are being recognised for the important roles they occupy within society. Women across the globe in all spheres of influence whether that be: freedom fighters, CEO’s, stay-at-home mothers, advocates, office workers, industry workers, gosh the list goes on and I would fill countless pages listing all the roles women fill. It’s exciting to see how significant our roles in society are and how now the recognition that is so well deserved. To my sister’s across the globe I say ‘Go For It’ you are making a difference.
In saying this, it is true, we still have a long way to go on this journey. We need to see women (themselves) recognising just how significant they are in society and in and through this revelation I believe the world will, indeed be a better place. Women need to understand their innate worth and value.
I have a young friend, who like I, is passionate about woman understanding who they are and walking in the fullness of that knowledge. She believes that every woman was designed for greatness and desires to help others see the gold within. I’d like to introduce you to her, her name is Susan Sohn and she is recognised across the globe as a woman on a mission to instil the Identity message into the hearts and minds of women everywhere. Here is an article she recently wrote on ‘The Story of You – Discovering Your Identity’. I hope you will connect with her, follow her and allow her to speak into your life.
Together let’s celebrate International Women’s Day by celebrating the girls in your world. Let them know they matter and that they make a difference in your life. It’s an easy start and one we can build on.
Much love and respect,
Susanna xx