maxandsusanna“The key is this: Meet today’s problems with today’s strength. Don’t start tackling tomorrow’s problems until tomorrow. You do not have tomorrow’s strength yet.

You simply have enough for today.” – Max Lucado

This is a quote I’ve been thinking about lately and believe it’s a great one. It’s definitely something that has helped me over the past few days. I am currently with a team of people in Rwanda. We are here with Hope Global and we are doing our part to continue to help mend the pain and suffering that this country has endured. My role on the team is ‘early childhood training’. My passions and my dreams are colliding with every step I take, every breath and every word I speak.

So, as I write this, I remind myself that in all that I am choosing to put my hand to today, I need to do it with the strength that I have been given for this day. Worrying about tomorrow will take away from today so I need to rest in what is at hand because for this I have the strength needed.

Whatever it is that you are walking through today, can I encourage you to rest in this knowledge that you have the strength for it, whatever it is. When and if the fears of tomorrow try and creep in stop your thought train, arrest your mind and stay focussed on today and allow yourself the space to conquer today well.

Simply put, don’t let today be robbed by tomorrow’s cares and concerns. Do today well and walk in the confidence of this little pearl of wisdom.

Enjoy your family tonight and make sure you hug one another. Let each other know how happy you are to be in family together and that you love them. In Rwanda, I am surrounded by memories of a nation that was torn apart by the worst devestation any of us can even imagine. Yet, in the midst of this I am humbled by the strength that I see. The Rwandan people have put the past behind them and they truly walk in the strength they have for today and they have been graced with the strength to forgive and love. In that, I am confident that their tomorrow will be even greater than today.

Be blessed and know that today is yours to hold, to cherish and to enjoy.

Much love,
