Lisa Nichol’s high school English teacher once said Lisa was the weakest writer she had ever met in her entire life. She is now a New York Times best-selling author of seven books. The same year her speech teacher recommended she never speak in public. She is now a world-renowned motivational speaker.

Imagine that. Someone else telling you that you can’t do something that you know you can.

This is my message for you today. To never dim your light for the sake of others. In fact, make it brighter.

This is a perfect message to teach your kids too, but first, yourself. I love this video, I love success stories, I love seeing Lisa’s cheeky smile because she did exactly what someone else thought she could never do. Lisa says,

“I want you to remember that your 70 watts has to be turned right up, because you’ve got way more to give us, it ain’t over yet. And when you turn it up to 159 watts you know you keep turning it up.”

There will always, always be people on the lookout for souls to speak lies to, to hurt people so much so that are afraid to be who they are. Fear is not your friend. It darkens your spirit. Find that spark that is only yours and let no one put it out before it has even turned into a flame. There’s a fire in everyone’s heart. Please, friends, do not be the one with the extinguisher.

Lisa talks about these people with a humour which I love because she realises how little they contribute to her life. Instead of dwelling with the negatives, she embraces them, she calls us to forgive the unforgivable, love the unloveable and pray for those who hurt us instead of be angry at them. You are just wasting precious energy on them that could be used so much better searching for the next best big breakthrough in your life.

Be a supernova in a universe full of twinkling stars fighting to be seen. You can’t miss a supernova. Sometimes it blinds people. Those people don’t matter. Let them fade to black and I promise you, you won’t miss them. I hope you shine today friends.

“You gonna find people that can’t handle your light…Turn the lights up, as your light gets brighter, you gonna disrupt some people. Then you just look at them and say, ‘I’m not dimming my light – I’m just gonna hand you some shades.’” – Lisa Nichols.

Here’s the full video below.


Much love,

Susanna Bateman #littlemiraclescommunity

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