dadsoph1-300x201As a mother of 4 children I understand the importance of Grandparents and how they play an integral role in the raising of our children. I remember the times when I called upon my mother for either wisdom or extra hands to make the days and challenges easier. Now, as a Grandparent myself I have an even richer understanding of the role we play and how we can not only help in the practical but how we influence our children and Grandchildren.

I think back to the days when money was tight and time seemed oh so short. The days when it felt like I went from one feeding to changing multiple nappies and attending to cuts and bruises. Sometimes it felt like the days bled into one another and the days simply rolled on without knowledge of the actual day or date on the calendar. There were days when Rob and I would call on our parents for (as I mentioned above) practical help and then there were days when I just needed a piece of wisdom. Perhaps it was solving a sibling dispute or figuring out how to keep my sanity whilst children seemingly ruled the roost.

Whatever the case, I am grateful for our parents and the support and wisdom they shared. As a Grandparent I am endeavouring to do the same for our children.

I recently read an article written by one of my younger friends titled ‘The Grandparent Effect’. It’s an article that has circled the globe and has spoken to many people when it comes to raising children. The writer (her name is Susan) talks about the effect her Nana had on her life and how she has recognised the role her parents and in-laws have and do play in her children’s lives. It’s a good read and I hope you enjoy… to read click on the link ‘The Grandparent Effect’.

With holidays upon us I encourage you to explore this relationship in a greater way. As I write this I’m reminded of the african proverb that says, ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ Grandparents are a valuable asset and trust me when I say, we love to be included and involved in our Grandchildren’s lives.

From one mother come Grandmother I pray your relationships go from strength to strength.

Much love,