Most of you have probably already seen the video I’ve posted above. In fact, over 11 million people have seen it on Youtube, and it’s made its way around the News Channels. This poor man was being interviewed by the BBC about everything that’s happening in South Korea and in bounce and roll his sweet, sweet children.

This made me laugh so hard, and I’m reminded of the many times that I as a parent have been caught trying to multi-task parenting with something else. Whether it be a conversation with a friend and a child tugging relentlessly at my blouse or the outburst in the Supermarket. The child who screams down an entire plane ride across the ocean or perhaps when they rehash an embarrassing moment that we are desperately trying to forget.

As parents, there are times we just need to breathe, take that necessary pause like this Professor did so eloquently keep moving on.

I can only imagine the conversation that went on in their home after the kids blazed into the room.  And, how about the acrobatic performance by the woman who slid in and literally dragged the kids out. She was certainly on it.

This is a beautiful example of ‘anything can happen and it probably will’. Children are unpredictable, they arrive, and they mess with our neatly arranged schedules and Tupperware cupboards. They keep us on our toes and challenge us at every turn. They can capture our heart in a moment and take our breath away the next moment. With a glance, they can change the direction of life, and one word can trigger either our hearts cry or theirs. Children mess us up in the most amazing way. It is true, once you become a parent, life is never again the same.

I want to encourage you today to not sweat the small stuff. You may not be like this journalist who ended up on live television with the BBC but you maybe the mother or father who has to manage a meltdown in Woollies, Coles or Aldi and sometimes you just need to breathe, shrug it off or even laugh. Things happen, kids cause drama, and they create beauty all within the same hour. Savour the moments, soak them up and choose this week to step away from the pins and needles, let your shoulders drop as you breathe in life and enjoy your children.

Now, scroll back up and watch the video again. If you’re anything like me, it will give you belly laugh after belly laugh after belly laugh.

Thank You to the BBC and Professor Robert Kelly.

Much love,

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