The Power of Much

The Power of Much

We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking, good thoughts, sending the goodness of the universe and prayer to people or places. And, in saying that, you’ve heard me talk about the power of positive words and how we need to be speaking LIFE into...
Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our amazing Mothers. Today, I was sent a cute little video that made Rob and I laugh. Two men in an experiment that simulated childbirth. It was such a good way to start the day and definitely got the ‘endorphines’ going....
Without Vision

Without Vision

As you know, I am passionate about seeing our kids thrive and not strive. I love seeing them conquer giants, whether that be experiencing fear when coming to school and then one day running into the classroom announcing their arrival. Or, perhaps a child who is scared...

Anxiety and Our Children

Whilst watching Sunrise today on television I listened to a discussion that caused great concern in me. The conversation was about anxiety and our children. According to recent stats 1 in 10 children aged between 6 and 11 are suffering from anxiety and only 18% of...