The Best Medicine

The Best Medicine

We’ve heard it said that laughter is the best medicine. In fact, most doctors and health practitioners would say that a good belly laugh is good for us in more ways than we can even imagine. A good laugh releases endorphins that change the chemical balance of our...
Oh, The Places You Will Go!

Oh, The Places You Will Go!

Over the last few weeks, I have had the opportunity to travel to the US with my lovely man. We have attended a beautiful wedding, met up with friends and family and have spent time together exploring. We also had a ‘trip of a lifetime’ experience through Alaska. I...
The Value of Mothers

The Value of Mothers

Who can quantify the value of mothers? It’s actually impossible to do so. To put into words how valuable mothers are in the world is beyond anyone. The fruit of the labour of motherhood says it all. Every day in all cultures and societies, the powerful fruit of...