Susanna’s Blog

School Holidays

School Holidays

  School holidays are fast approaching, and as always there is the choice of spending a few weeks relaxing or filling days with great activities that are always on offer. The Coast, Sydney and Mountain areas offer plenty of opportunities to enjoy school holidays...

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Do Fathers Matter?

Do Fathers Matter?

Interesting title for an article. One that I wouldn't imagine you would think I would EVER write. I decided I would take a stab at it and ask the question to everyone 'Do Father's Matter?' I loved my father. He was a wonderful man, and I have very fond memories of...

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Being Present over Perfect

Being Present over Perfect

“The key is this: Meet today’s problems with today’s strength. Don’t start tackling tomorrow’s problems until tomorrow. You do not have tomorrow’s strength yet.You simply have enough for today.” – Max Lucado This is an incredible quote and it's one that I think speaks...

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Do You Believe in You?

Do You Believe in You?

I have a video for you to watch, you may have seen it on Facebook but I encourage you to have another look and listen. It serves a great reminder for us all. In this video, an athlete Dave Wottle wins a gold medal against all odds. His start was so weak, he was so far...

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Living in Peace

Living in Peace

I am writing this as I sit on my verandah on our farm property where all I can hear is the wind in the trees, birds singing, the rustle of autumn leaves and the rocking of Rob's chair that sits alongside mine. The sun is shining through the trees, and as I look up, I...

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STOP…. And Smell the Roses

STOP…. And Smell the Roses

At times it feels like life can move faster than the speed of light. If you remember back to your Science classes at school and the lessons you learned, light moves very fast and sometimes it feels like we've been caught in it's stream. I remember back to the days...

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Five Key Ingredients to Keep a Family Healthy

Five Key Ingredients to Keep a Family Healthy

'We don't have time for fun'. 'When I get home all I want to do is collapse on the couch'. 'What's for dinner? The worst question of the day'. 'I'm pulling my hair out; my kids are driving me around the twist'. 'Our budget is so tight; we couldn't possibly take a...

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Hold Your Children Close

Hold Your Children Close

Like many of you, my mind has been once again muddled and confused since the attack in Manchester. What is happening in the world? How has it changed so much since I was a little girl? Why is there so much hate and harm? So many questions and answers so scarce. How do...

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Perspective Makes the Difference

Perspective Makes the Difference

I saw this video this week and it captivated me. I was amazed at how powerful perspective is and how, at times, we get lost in the midst of life. This rings true when it comes to parenting, especially in the younger years. I remember when the kids were all little ones...

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